2024 Community/School Food Champion John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School, Mulan Aboriginal Community, WA
When schools put food and communities at the heart of what they do, great things can happen – and the John Pujajangka-Piyirn Catholic School is doing just that in the Mulan Aboriginal Community.
Every week, the students take part in a fantastic cooking program, whipping up deliciously healthy dishes from local produce, including from their kitchen garden, before delivering them to the community Elders. Not only does this create a great relationship between generations, but it brings joy to everyone who’s involved.
The students choose the meals they’re going to cook, ensuring the meals meet the needs of the community.
It’s all supported by the teachers at the school, who have created a wonderful school food culture. Daily fruit breaks make the most of the gardens and fruit trees in the school grounds, while healthy bush tucker options are celebrated. Plus, the whole school sits down to eat together.
But the school doesn’t keep these special times to themselves – they often organise celebrations for the whole community, including one for NAIDOC Week where people enjoyed kangaroo tails, damper, coleslaw and potato salad.
Students at the school not only learn skills that will last a lifetime, but they are also using food they have grown and cooked to care for their whole community.
This is a beautiful example of what can happen when schools and communities team up over food. Huge congratulations to everyone involved.