Jamie drizzling honey on top of a fig tart

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spicy salami pizza
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Spicy salami & courgette pizza

with basil, tomato & mozzarella

spicy salami pizza
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1 hr 25 mins
Not Too Tricky

makes enough for 1 pizza

About the recipe

You can't go wrong with a lovely salami-topped pizza and it works a treat with the courgette

nutrition per serving












of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Jamie's Italy

Jamie's Italy


4 tablespoons tomato sauce

6 thin slices of firm courgette

8 fresh basil leaves

10 thin slices of spicy salami

50g/1.8oz mozzarella

olive oil

sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

Top Tip

It's always better to make your own pizza dough and tomato sauce from scratch if you can. Try these recipes here!


  1. Smear your tomato sauce evenly over the pizza base. Lay over your courgettes and basil, then your salami – you want this to go on last so it goes crispy. Place small pieces of mozzarella in between the gaps, drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Cook until crisp and golden.
