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Buddy’s perfect scrambled eggs
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Buddy’s perfect scrambled eggs

A super-simple breakfast

Buddy’s perfect scrambled eggs
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10 mins
Super easy

serves 2

About the recipe

Brighten up breakfast for a loved one with this easy recipe for scrambled eggs. Once you’ve mastered the basics, you can jazz up your eggs by adding chopped soft herbs or a little grated cheese. Take it to the next level by serving with smoked salmon or lime-dressed avocado and chilli.

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From



By Jamie Oliver


4 large free-range eggs

2 large slices of sourdough bread

1 small knob of unsalted butter or olive oil

Top Tip

Jamie wholeheartedly believes that cooking is up there as one of the most valuable skills you can teach a child. Getting kids excited about food, where it comes from and how to cook it, gives them a better chance of being healthier and happier in the long run. When cooking with kids, use your common sense to determine what jobs they can help you with, depending on their age and skill level. It’s always good to start small, with jobs such as mixing and measuring, then progress to elements of a recipe, then go on to slightly trickier techniques over time. The more they cook, the better they’ll get. Make sure you supervise them when using heat or sharp utensils like knives and box graters, and teach them about the importance of washing their hands before they start, and after handling raw meat and fish, as well as other basic hygiene rules. Most of all, have fun with it and encourage them to give things a go.


  1. Crack the eggs into a bowl – if you need to remove any little bits of shell, use a bigger bit of shell as a scoop to get it out.
  2. Tilt the bowl slightly and whisk up the eggs with a fork.
  3. Put a large non-stick frying pan on a medium-low heat.
  4. Cut your slices of bread in half and pop them in the toaster.
  5. Place the butter in the pan to melt, swirling it around to coat the base.
  6. When it starts to sizzle, pour in the egg.
  7. Use a spatula to keep moving the egg gently about the pan, also scraping any off the sides. You want to achieve a nice silky texture with sheets of soft egg. Remember, eggs are delicate – turn the heat off a moment before they’re done as they’ll continue to cook in the residual heat of the pan.
  8. Push the egg to one side of the pan with your spatula to make it easier to serve, then use a spoon to pile the eggs onto your toast.
  9. Season from a height with a tiny pinch of sea salt and a pinch of black pepper, and tuck in.


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