Save with Jamie
By Jamie Oliver
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About the recipe
This is a great, quick, last-minute lunch or dinner. All the ingredients live happily in the store cupboard or freezer waiting to be put together, and the combination of sweet peas, prawns and tomato sauce is undeniably delicious.
Recipe From
320g dried pasta shells
4 cloves of garlic
1 fresh red chilli
olive oil
200g frozen peeled cooked prawns
200g frozen peas
1 heaped tablespoon tomato purée
30g Parmesan cheese
– Instead of prawns, try pan-fried mushrooms, or roasted peppers (simply halve and deseed, then roast at 180°C for 30 minutes).
– This simple recipe is super versatile, and is also delicious made with gently simmered squid, shrimp, or, if you can find it on a good deal, the meat from half a dressed crab, in place of the prawns.
– Tinned fish also works well, if that’s what you have to hand. Simply flake in tuna, salmon or crab for a speedy flavour hit – just make sure it’s from sustainable sources.
– Replace the chilli with a handful of mixed-colour olives, or leave it out altogether.
– Add a handful of frozen broad beans to boost your veg count.
– A handful of fresh or frozen spinach is also fantastic in this dish.