Jamie Cooks Italy
By Jamie Oliver
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About the recipe
By using top-quality tinned cherry tomatoes, which have a wonderful natural sweetness, you’re able to achieve a truly elegant and vivacious sauce that really sings of summer but can be made all year round. One taste, and you’ll be transported back to warm summer nights in Italy – you can’t argue with that! This sauce works really well for lots of recipes and to be honest, I just like to make a batch when I have time, ready to use in all kinds of dishes in the days that follow. It’s a great freezer staple, and a recipe I hope you’ll come back to again and again. Enjoy.
Recipe From
4 cloves of garlic
olive oil
2 fresh red chillies
1 big bunch of fresh basil (60g)
4 x 400g tins of quality cherry tomatoes
– Tinned plum tomatoes or passata would be absolutely fine here, use what you’ve got.