The Belsteads School’s staff and pupils are film stars for the day
A few weeks ago we welcomed staff and students from The Belsteads School near Chelmsford, Essex, to Jamie Oliver HQ to create their very own brilliant recipe video.
The experience was part of their prize for the Kindness & Community Award, which was won by the school’s head chef Joyce Tanoh-Mensah at last year’s Good School Food Awards.
Joyce is a very special lady. Not only has she improved the school’s food offering beyond recognition, her warmth and smile have created the most welcoming dining room. In fact, her nickname is ‘Mama Joyce’ – and we can totally see why!
She prides herself on cooking fresh food from around the world, which the kids love, so it’s no surprise that the uptake of meals has increased significantly since she started.
Joyce says, “This job is what I love to do… And what I want to do. We have children with different additional needs, and I’ll accommodate them – I want to make sure everyone is fed!”
In Jamie’s HQ kitchen, Joyce made fajitas, while students Amy, Olivia, Owen, Chloe and Gemma created the video, acting as camera operators, directors, food stylists and runners. The fajitas were delicious (of course!) and the students were practically film professionals by the end.
Do you know anyone like Joyce? The nominations for 2024’s Good School Food Awards are now open! Read the heart-warming stories from the 2023 awards here. 🏅🏆