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Punchy Welsh rarebit
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Punchy Welsh rarebit

Red Leicester, English mustard & jarred jalapeños

Punchy Welsh rarebit
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17 mins
Not Too Tricky

serves 2

nutrition per serving
















of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Easy Air Fryer

Easy Air Fryer

By Jamie Oliver


2 large slices of good bread (1½cm-thick)

1 free-range egg

50g Red Leicester or Cheddar cheese

1 tbsp half-fat crème fraîche

1 heaped tsp English mustard

25g jarred sliced jalapeños

1 eating apple

1 little gem lettuce

extra virgin olive oil

red wine vinegar

optional: Worcestershire sauce

Top Tip

Feel free to swap in any good melty cheese of your choice. Some of my Great British faves are Westcombe Cheddar, Lincolnshire Poacher and Mrs Kirkham’s Lancashire (be sure to use a vegetarian cheese, if you need). Adding jalapeños gives a punchy flavour hit, but you can swap in all sorts of flavour bombs here – try a layer of chilli jam, chutney or even good old Branston Pickle under the rarebit mixture.


  1. Place the bread in the air-fryer drawer and toast for 5 minutes at 200ºC.
  2. Whisk the egg in a bowl until light and foamy, then finely grate in the cheese, add the crème fraîche, mustard and a pinch of black pepper, and mix well.
  3. Remove the bread from the air fryer, flip over, spoon the rarebit mixture over both pieces, then gently poke in the jalapeño slices. Return to the drawer and cook for 5 minutes at 200ºC, or until golden and bubbling.
  4. While it cooks, finely slice the apple into rounds, then across into matchsticks. Click the outer leaves off the lettuce, finely slice the inner base, and slice the inner tender leaves. Gently toss it all in a little extra virgin olive oil, red wine vinegar and seasoning, and plate up with the rarebit, add a shake of Worcestershire sauce, if you like, and enjoy!

This recipe is for a 1-drawer air fryer.

The optional Worcestershire sauce contains fish, so you could use a vegan alternative or just leave it out

All recipes from Easy Air Fryer were tested at least twice in a Tefal single (4.2 litres) or dual (8.3 litres) air fryer, as well as in a range of air fryers by my team of office testers at home. All air fryers are different, so results may vary – please follow the recipe instructions for guidance, and use your instincts to adjust times accordingly if your machine runs a little hotter or colder than average.


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