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Almond stuffed chocolate dates
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Almond-stuffed chocolate dates

With a layer of marzipan

Almond stuffed chocolate dates
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15 mins plus setting
Not Too Tricky

makes 20

About the recipe

Popular in the Middle East, dates are the fruit of the palm tree. Sweet like caramel, they work well with a dark chocolate coating.

nutrition per serving












of an adult’s reference intake

Recipe From

Jamie Magazine

Jamie Magazine

By Ginny Rolfe


150g quality dark chocolate (70%)

20 large dates

optional: 60g marzipan

20 whole blanched almonds


  1. Break the chocolate up into pieces, then place in a glass bowl set over a small pan of simmering water, without letting the bottom of the bowl touch the water. Stir until melted, then turn off the heat.
  2. Cut a slit down the side of each date and remove the stone. Wrap a little marzipan (heat to soften slightly), around each almond, then stuff one in each date.
  3. One by one, dip the dates in the melted chocolate to coat, then place on a sheet of greaseproof paper to set.


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